Creative Art Experience Update 01/2020

January 15, 2020 Off By Mike Delp

Hi Everyone –
WOW – What a great way to start out the new year after having been awarded the Gateway MS Society “Volunteer of the Year” trophy at last week’s 2020 MS Breakthroughs event. I couldn’t have done it without all of you!! Each of you have inspired me to “keep on, keeping on”, as we tackle the ups and downs of this disease. I especially want to thank Leslie Vohls, our supervisor for the Support Leaders, for nominating me for the award. She has been a delight to work with and is always dedicated to finding a solution for any of our concerns. As most of you know, the Society gets tons of credit for helping me learn how to walk in 2012 after 17 years in a wheelchair!!
Speaking of a new year, I would like to spend time at Saturday’s class to evaluate how the 2019 classes were and see where we want to go for 2020. Several of you have voiced concern over how crowded we are getting, what do we do if there was a fire, how can we better meet the needs of the newly diagnosed, starting on time, where can we have our holiday brunch so we could mingle more, etc. I can tell you that we will be doing the beautiful silk scarves again and acrylic pours on coasters (see attached photos). I have also added a picture of the angel ornaments that we gave Michelle F-W made out of Jadyn’s clothes at the December class. What beautiful moments we had making them!! 
Special Note: For those of you who shop on Amazon, be sure to sign up for AmazonSmile. It is a simple and automatic way for you to support a charity of your choice every time you shop, at no cost to you. Your charity, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, recently received a quarterly donation of $17,211.00 thanks to customers shopping at To date, AmazonSmile has donated a total of:

  • $258,617.47 to National Multiple Sclerosis Society
  • $156,109,909.51 to all charities

Thank you for supporting National Multiple Sclerosis Society by shopping at

What I need from you: Please bring a project of your own to work on Saturday, as we brainstorm about our CAE program. The temperature is supposed to be 47 degrees and a chance of rain, so little travel worries. Just let me know, if you are planning on attending. My cell number is 314-623-8528 , if you need anything.
“If You Think It – YOU CAN”
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