Five Years ago … this journey began

February 5, 2021 Off By Mike Delp

I was diagnosed on February 5th 2016. I have published all of the aspects of this day. My life changed completely that day, and I have taken a back seat on the remaining part of my life. I just accept things as they are, and look for the positive in everything I see and experience. My goals recently are to keep moving and take care of my wife’s health needs. I do feel melancholy when I think back on how my life has changed, and what I used to be able to accomplish on a daily basis. I miss the relationships and the feelings of camaraderie with people I still hear from on social media, but haven’t interacted with for years.

I have numerous new contacts I have made since this journey has begun, and I look back on those memories to build better thoughts and dreams. I have had some dreams lately that I remember for a couple of minutes, and It has been happy thoughts involving new friends.